Friday, August 8, 2014

Is Golfing a Superpower Now?

I think Netflix has really lowered the bar on what it takes to be a superhero.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Nightly News According to Kids

Poor Canada, they never saw it coming!


It's Like You're Really on the Plane!

You haven't lived until you've flown in 3D, no stupid glasses required!

The Sacramento Airport Won Over My Heart

I was having a bad day of traveling, and then I came across this spreader of joy at the Sacramento Airport.

Nice Try Facebook

I don't think Facebook has me quite figured out yet.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Finest In Crowd Sourced Education

This made the rounds awhile ago, but it is pretty amazing, and deserved to be shared again.

I Know What We're Gonna Do Today

One of my nieces was about to have a birthday, and she loved Phineas and Ferb, so her parents had us make some large images of them that they could use to take pictures with at the party. Here are some pictures of the original drawings, and what came out!

1st World Lego Problems